Our academic programs are categorized into five main divisions, affiliated with the Meghalaya Board of Secondary Education (MBOSE) syllabus:
Kindergarten (KG) - ages 3 to 5 in Lower KG and Upper KG classes
Lower Primary - Classes 1 to 5
Upper Primary - Classes 6 to 8
Secondary - Classes 9 to 10
Higher Secondary - Classes 11 & 12
Yearly Assessments
There are rigorous assessments that happen through the year which help students identify areas of development and strengths in the various subjects they are taught.
Kindergarten - There are four unit tests in each quarter which are both written and oral.
Lower Primary - Students in these classes have 3 terms where they are evaluated on both written and oral exams.
Upper Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary - There are 2 unit tests that happen in May and September, as well as half-yearly (July) and final exams (November) to determine their overall performance.